Invasive Procedures and Fetal Therapy
Chorionic Villus Sampling

Amniocentesis involves drawing a small amount of amniotic fluid from mothers womb, surrounding the baby under ultrasound guidance this is generally performed between 17-22 week after a detailed ultrasound of the baby. During this procedure exact location of placenta the quantity of amniotic fluid and timing of the procedures are determined. Amniotic fluid generally use for chromosomal analysis of fetus, and also in certain viral infections.
Fetal Reduction
Its generally done in multiple pregnancy when there is 3 or more fetuses. the procedure is done at 11 weeks of pregnancy. After cleansing the mother’s abdomen with an antiseptic solution, a long thin needle is inserted in mothers womb by ultrasound guidance, injection is directly given to the selected fetus which immediately stops its heart activity. the procedure is without any bleeding or pain.